4 secrets to help prolong your facelift results 629795f575f41

4 Secrets to Help Prolong Your Facelift Results

Depending on the situation, the results of a facelift can last for a decade. After a decade, you may need to consider a second treatment. Fortunately, there are ways to prolong your results and postpone your second treatment. Learn more about how to prolong facelift results by reading below.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Overexposure to the sun makes the skin age prematurely since UV rays can discolor the skin. leaving a patchy look. Direct sunlight can also damage elastin and collagen beneath the skin surface, both of which are necessary for smoothness.

While you can only do so much about sun damage before your facelift, you can prevent further damage and prolong your results. Use sunscreen protection every day. You can even request clinical sunscreen.

Eat Healthily

A healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, and meat can help make your skin appear younger by nourishing it and improving its elasticity. Vitamins also play a big role in skin protection.

Drink Water

Eating right also means drinking enough water. Water hydrates the skin, making it look smoother, younger and stronger. Therefore, drink sufficient water every day and engage in physical activities that help maintain a healthy body weight after your facelift.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is not good for your skin because cigarettes contain nicotine, which can cause skin dryness and increases the rate of aging. Nicotine can also delay the healing process after surgery by destroying skin tissue. In fact, our plastic surgeon will advise you to stop smoking before and after the surgery for the best results.

Taking care of your skin after getting a facelift at Ideal Face & Body in Beverly Hills is critical to prolong the results. To learn more about face lift surgery, contact us today and book a consultation. We look forward to meeting with you!

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