Contact US Today Ideal Face & Body 9735 Wilshire BlvdSuite #400Beverly Hills, CA 90212310-887-9999Office HoursMonday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm Get In Touch with Us First Name*Last Name*Email* Phone*Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Procedure of Interest*Abdominoplasty - Tummy TuckAbdominoplasty with Precision SculptArm Lift - BrachioplastyAveli Cellulite CorrectionFat TransferFat Transfer to BreastsFat Transfer to Buttocks -BBLFat Transfer to eyes, tear troughsFat Transfer to FaceFat Transfer to HandsFat Transfer to Hip DipsFat Transfer to Outer ThighLipoma RemovalMini Tuck®Neck LiftPrecision Sculpt® Abdomen 360 LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Abdomen Upper and LowerPrecision Sculpt® Arm LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Armpit LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Back Full LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Back Lower LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Bra Roll Back LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Bra Roll Front LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Buffalo Hump RemovalPrecision Sculpt® Calves & Ankles LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Calves LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Chest Male LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Chin, Neck and Jawline LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Knees LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Lateral Chest LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Pubic LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Revision BBLPrecision Sculpt® Revision BBL ReductionPrecision Sculpt® Revision LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Thigh Anterior LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Thigh Inner LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Thigh Outer LiposuctionPrecision Sculpt® Waist/Love Handles LiposuctionRenuvion Skin TighteningSmart Lipo® LaserBreast Areola ReductionBreast AugmentationBreast Excision MaleBreast ExplantBreast MastopexyBreast ReductionBreast Implant Removal and ReplacementDermal FillerLip AugmentationBlepharoplasty UpperBuccal Lipectomy (Cheek Reduction)Earlobe RepairFace and Neck LiftNeck LiftRepair of LacerationBotulinum ToxinBotulinum Toxin for HyperhidrosisCortisone Shot For PimplesFiller Reversal with HyaluronidaseKeloid InjectionNon-Surgical RhinoplastyRenuvaSteroid Scar InjectionCO2 Laser -EyesCO2 Laser -Full FaceIPL ChestIPL FaceIPL Face and NeckIPL Full ArmsIPL HandsIPL Lower ArmsIPL Upper ArmsLaser Hair RemovalLaser ResurfacingPlasma PenRadiofrequency Skin ResurfacingRenuvion Skin ResurfacingTattoo RemovalMicroneedlingMicroneedling with PRPDermal Piercing RemovalLaceration RepairLipoma RemovalNipple LiftNipple ReductionScar RevisionSebaceous Cyst RemovalSubcisionRepair of Traumatic LacerationMorpheus8Morpheus8 AbdomenMorpheus8 Abdomen with TumescentMorpheus8 ArmsMorpheus8 Face & NeckMorpheus8 Face OnlyMorpheus8 KneesMorpheus8 Lower FaceMorpheus8 ThighsThe Perfect PeelPRPPRP Eye RejuvenationPRP Hair RestorationStem Cell TreatmentsHyperbaric Oxygen TherapyLight Therapy - RedLight Therapy - YellowLight Therapy - BlueMole RemovalSkin Tag RemovalStem Cell FacialReferral SourceYou have been a patient of oursRealSelfInstagramGoogleYouTubeTikTokYelpFacebookLinkedInSnapchatPinterestRedditFriend or FamilyStaff MemberAnother DoctorCelebrity/InfluencerRadioPodcastNews/TVBlogNotes/Message*Do you wish to receive promotional emails and newsletters?* Yes No NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. *All indicated fields must be completed.Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.