Many individuals in Beverly Hills are concerned about harsh skin treatments. That’s because certain procedures can have severe side effects, and they aren’t suitable for all skin types. If dynamic wrinkling is the major concern, there’s a simple, non-surgical solution. BOTOX® can relax wrinkles and smooth the skin surface, effectively acting as an age-reversing treatment. The procedure is simple and is performed in the comfort of our office.
Here in Beverly Hills, our clients include men and women who are concerned about smile lines, crow’s feet, and marionette lines affecting their appearance. BOTOX® can reduce these signs of aging without the need for any sort of actual skin treatment.
Understanding the Aging Process
As we age and mature, our skin becomes less able to retain moisture. It also contains less collagen than it did when we were younger. Wrinkles begin to form near the corners of the mouth, near the eyes, and on the forehead whenever we make certain facial expressions. Smiling, frowning, pouting, or squinting of the eyes can cause fine lines to become visible.
If the muscles don’t contract as fully, these dynamic wrinkles aren’t as prominent. BOTOX® achieves this because the active ingredient works as a muscle-relaxing agent. When the solution is injected directly into the upper-level facial muscles, these muscles will eventually no longer receive signals from the brain. Dynamic wrinkling will not be as apparent as a result.
A Simple Procedure
After consulting with the client and noting the areas where dynamic wrinkles form, we can inject the BOTOX® fluid during a simple treatment at our office in Beverly Hills. The fluid is absorbed into the muscle tissue. The sensory nerves that allow us to feel our face aren’t affected, so there’s no numbing sensation.
In the days following the procedure, the client will notice that the muscles don’t contract as fully as before. Normal expressions such as smiling are still performed with ease, but the fine lines don’t appear. The skin remains smoother, and the facial features are now more youthful in appearance.
An Effective Secret Weapon
BOTOX® is a simple cosmetic solution for the problem of age-related wrinkles. With this treatment, you could look and feel younger without the need for invasive procedures. Make an appointment at Ideal Face & Body to get started. Contact us today to schedule a BOTOX® consultation at our office in Beverly Hills!