What is the difference between High Profile Implants versus Moderate Implants?

Q: “I have been on my journey to get a Breast Augmentation. I have scanned through photos of before & afters andhave noticed in the description some state High Profilesand others state Moderate. I’d greatly appreciate any responses toclarify the differences, advantages, disadvantages, more of a natural look. Thank you in advance!”

Great question!

Dr. Yovino’s Answer: The profile refers to the projection off your chest. The higher the profile, the more projection. There is a range of profiles from low to high. There are different grades of low, moderate, and high profiles. The most common profile to achieve natural full results is the moderate plus. This will be discussed during your consult. Justin Yovino MDPlastic Surgeon Board Certified Beverly Hills, CA

-Justin Yovino, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Beverly Hills, CA

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