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Breast Lift: What You Should Expect

Many women undergo breast lift procedures every year. While this surgery may not be as popular as breast augmentation surgery is, it can improve the self-confidence of women who are experiencing common aging concerns with the breasts and can even be used in conjunction with implants to create the best new shape possible. If you are considering a breast lift, or mastopexy, you will want to know what to expect before and after surgery day.

First, you should know that a breast lift is cosmetic surgery that will require anesthesia and a recovery period. Our surgeon will help you decide if this approach is right for you. Second, you must realize that a breast lift alone will not add tissue to your breasts or increase your cup size. Instead, this procedure is used to remove extra skin and tissues that are hanging lower than you would wish and to tighten up the area. If you want an increased cup size, you may also want to ask our surgeon about doing a breast lift with an augmentation.

You should also be aware of how your recovery period will be. You must plan to take time off work and will need to limit many activities for a set amount of time in order to fully heal. You should know what you can expect once your breast lift surgery is complete and you are fully healed. You will immediately notice that your breasts look better overall.

A breast lift is the right choice for many women who are experiencing sagging breasts due to generalized aging, weight fluctuations or pregnancy and lactation. As tissues within the breasts lose their tone and strength, the underlying tissues may sag and the overlying skin may become stretched. A breast lift removes the extra tissues and may even move the nipple and areola when necessary to create a perkier, more youthful breast.

When you have a consultation at Ideal Face & Body, you will be able to learn if a breast lift is the right procedure for you. Contact us today to book an appointment in Beverly Hills!

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