A facelift is a surgical procedure in Beverly Hills that can minimize the appearance of the signs of aging. These procedures focus on problems with the facial sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and the development of jowls.
Why You May Need a Facelift
A person’s face loses its contours because of the aging process. Our skin becomes thinner, and gravity plays a role on facial fat shifting downward. Couple this with overexposure to the sun, smoking, and life’s stress and it’s clear to see why many people in Beverly Hills turn to a facelift to improve their appearance. This can be a standalone procedure, or it can be done in conjunction with other procedures. The goal is to improve the appearance, quality, and texture of your skin.
Getting the Most Out of Your Procedure
To get the most out of a facelift, a person should have a good understanding of what the procedure can do as well as what it cannot do. A facelift will not change the fundamental base of your face. It cannot bring the aging process to a halt.
Some in Beverly Hills may believe that non-surgical rejuvenation treatments can produce the same result as a facelift. This is not the case. Non-surgical rejuvenation treatments may be able to delay the time when you need to have a surgical procedure, but they cannot replace or mimic the results.
Are You a Good Candidate?
A facelift is an individualized procedure. You are a good candidate if you are having it done for yourself and if you are overall healthy. You should not have medical conditions that make it difficult for your body to heal. People who have a positive and realistic outlook will have the best results.
Once you have fully recovered, the improvements from your facelift will start to really appear. It will make you feel confident and look more youthful. You can learn more about the options that are available during a consultation at Ideal Face & Body in Beverly Hills. Contact us today to book an appointment.