Q: “26 yo female, 5’5″ &133 lbs, no kids. I carry much more weight in my hips and buttocks and hate that they are so much wider than the rest of my body. I also have a lot of stretch marks and cellulite that I hate. I would prefer something not too invasive, but ultimately want to do whatever the best option is to get results.”
Tawandatomato, Dallas, TX
Dr. Yovino’s Answer: The most effective approach to your body reshaping is liposculpting of the outer thigh, inner thigh, and parts of the back of the thigh. You can continue the slimming by also sculpting the inner knee region which will result in an overall slimmer appearance but this is not completely necessary for a great result. Liposculpting is a form of liposuction but it’s a more fine-detailed approach with powered micro cannulas with or without laser. Non-invasive approaches such as cool sculpting will deliver much less of a result. No matter what people say, cellulite is tough to treat. I would highly consider radio frequency treatments after the liposculpting is performed.
Justin Yovino, MD FACS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, CA