Am I a good candidate for Chin lipo? I’ve lost close to 90 lbs over the past 18 months

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Q: “I have lost close to 90 lbs over the past 18 months (down from 322).

I see a lot of difference everywhere in my face except for my double chin, which I have always had – all the women in my family have a sloping neck and double chin. It is really disheartening to see photos and still notice that despite my progress, that part looks the same. While I am not done losing weight, I wonder if in the meantime I would be a good candidate for chin liposuction as a “reward” for my progress so far?”

MizKris, Edmonton, AB​

Dr. Yovino’s Answer: Patients with significant weight loss sometimes are not ideal candidates for this procedure due to a decreased quality of skin but in your case, the photos seem to show that you are an excellent candidate who would have an outstanding game changing result with such an easy procedure in the correct surgical hands.

Justin Yovino, MD FACS

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills, CA

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