Brazilian Butt Lift

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Brazilian Butt Lift

The transfer of your own fat to the buttocks and hip dips is commonly referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL for short. It’s a procedure for females and males. Soft healthy adipose tissue (fat), not a foreign body implant, is used to obtain a natural reshaping of the buttocks. To address the need for absolute safety and short recovery, we have successfully removed the need for general anesthesia. The awake procedure is performed safely with minimal sedation and local anesthesia. The official Awake Butt Lift® can only be found at Ideal Face and Body.

The journey to a more healthy and beautiful appearing butt begins with a virtual or in-person consultation and may be scheduled by filling out our online consultation form.

A board certified plastic surgeon verified in PRECISION SCULPT® and AWAKE BUTT LIFT® will review your medical history, listen to your expectations, and perform a full evaluation of your body. Based on your anatomy and goals, a surgical plan will be developed and realistic expectations established. The most common approach achieves three goals at once: a slimmer waistline, a flatter stomach, and a more voluptuous derriere. Fat may be sculpted from the thighs, knees, back, and arms as an alternative.

awake butt

Once the fat is obtained using PRECISION SCULPT®, attention is turned to the aesthetic buttock enhancement. The Awake Butt Lift® is performed with the patient relaxed and supported on their stomach. The buttocks and hip dips are completely numbed. Tiny hidden skin openings are made in the buttock creases and bikini line. The transfer of fat is hand-crafted and precise. Absolute safety is achieved by always placing the fat above the muscle and into the existing native buttock fat. Projection of the buttocks and filling the hip dips enhances the curves from all directions.

The procedure is completed with the application of a customized compression and support garment. Other than the gym and regular sitting, Awake Butt Lift® patients are typically back to regular activities within two to three days.

Brazilian Butt Lift Video

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