Precision Sculpt Mini Chin & Neck Lift

This procedure is performed in the comforts of the office with the patient awake and relaxed. The patient’s chin, neck, and jawline are first addressed with PRECISION SCULPT®. This is the application of advanced energy to promote tissue tightening and powered micro sculpting cannulas to gently remove unwanted fat. Next, using a well-hidden incision under the chin, the deep fat under the chin and neck muscles is directly removed. This portion of the procedure creates a space for dramatic chin and neck contouring that is then performed with carefully placed permanent sutures. This is called a platysmaplasty and it is a very powerful way to secure and lift up the chin and neck region. Once the procedure is complete, the patient is placed in a custom head and neck wrap. The procedure takes about 2 hours to complete and then the patent is able to walk on out and rest at home. Most patients describe the recovery as being “sore” and “very tolerable.” Pain medicine is typically only taken for two to three days. The patients is seen in the office the next day to check on the progress and change the dressing. A simple support garment is provided and worn between showering over the next week. The patient is typically seen again for a check-up at one week after the procedure. Patients typically return to normal light activity right after the procedure. More vigorous activity such as exercising in the gym is entertained at around two weeks. The resuts willl evolve and improve over the next 3 months. The patient will return to the office in three months for official after photos.

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Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

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