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The Awake Breast Lift ® is a specialized mastopexy performed comfortably in the office with the patient relaxed using oral medications and fully numbed with freshly mixed local anesthesia. No general anesthesia is administered. No intravenous (IV) catheter is placed. No implants are inserted. We have pioneered this advanced technique and it can only be found at Ideal Face & Body.

Women often suffer unwanted long-term changes in their breasts secondary to aging, gravity, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, breastfeeding, breast implant removal, and heredity. The lack or loss of skin elasticity and firmness, that may have once given the breasts that youthful shape and position, can have a negative affect on one’s lifestyle.

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The Awake Breast Lift ® will raise, tighten, and reshape the breasts. The excess skin is removed through incisions around the areola and straight down in a lollipop or circumvertical fashion. When needed, a modified incision is added under the fold of the breasts. Unlike the square breast results that are commonly encountered with other surgeons, the Awake Breast Lift ® has a natural round appearance. The result is a firmer, more youthful breast appearance that will leave you rejuvenated and uplifted. If the areola, the darker area around the nipple, has become enlarged, then it will be reduced to a smaller more balanced size at the same time.

In the Awake Breast Lift ®, the breast cup size is maintained and enhanced to the fullest by strategically rearranging the breast tissue to a more desirable location. When available, the droopy lower pole breast tissue is repositioned upwards and sutured behind the new nipple position to enhance breast projection. This technique is called an auto-augmentation and essentially acts like your own natural implant. 

After full healing from the Awake Breast Lift ® and in patients who desire even more fullness in the upper part of the breasts as well as the cleavage, fat is removed and transferred using PRECISION SCULPT ® awake liposuction and Raise Your Cup ® breast fat transfer respectively. Common donor sites for fat are the arms, thighs, waist, abdomen, flanks, and love handles. Our board certified Plastic Surgeons will discuss all of your surgical options during the thorough consultation.

During the Awake Breast Lift ®, expect minimal to no discomfort. In fact, the only time you feel any sort of pinch is during the initial numbing. This is a very tolerable experience for the patient and they usually say that it was “a lot easier” than imagined. The procedure time is approximately four hours but you will spend most of the day in the office. All sutures are internal and dissolvable; therefore, no sutures are removed afterwards. The results are instant and tears of joy are frequently displayed by the patient when they see the outcome. Sterile dressings are applied and a custom support bra is worn immediately afterwards.

The Awake Breast Lift ® recovery is typically easy and most patients return to work in as little as three days. A week off work is more than enough. If you work virtually then a return to work can happen 24 hours after surgery. Although oral pain medication is prescribed afterwards, most patients do not take it since the discomfort is minimal. Patients return to our office the day after the procedure for a check-up. During the early recovery, we recommend hyperbaric oxygen therapy to maximize the healing. The doctor will keep in touch with you via phone/text very frequently during the early stages of healing. The first shower is two days after the surgery. Subsequent in-person and/or virtual visits are at one week, one month, and three months after the procedure. We discourage heavy weight lifting or strenuous exercise for 2-4 weeks. We encourage patients to protect their breasts by sleeping on their back and avoiding any chest trauma. We ask that patients stay in town for two weeks. The incisions are covered with healing medical tape for the first few weeks and then treated with specialized silicone scar gel over the next few months.

The Awake Breast Lift ® has a very high satisfaction rate. Schedule your consultation today by calling the office now at 310-887-999 or submitting your contact information through the website. We look forward to meeting you.



Breast Lift/ Reduction with LipoScultping of the ‘Bra Roll’

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