Awake Breast Reduction ℠


The Awake Breast Reduction ℠ is a reduction mammaplasty (breast reduction) performed awake and comfortably in the office with the patient relaxed with oral medications. Our patients are fully numbed with freshly mixed local anesthesia. No general anesthesia is administered. No intravenous (IV) or epidural catheter is placed. We are the leaders in awake surgery and have pioneered this local anesthesia based, very natural looking, breast reduction procedure. The Awake Breast Reduction ℠ will decrease the breast size and improve the shape by removing excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue. It can only be found at Ideal Face & Body.

Large breasts, also know as macromastia, are often uncomfortable and disproportionate to the rest of the body. Patients may complain that their breasts take over their entire upper body. Breast enlargement may negatively affect one’s health and self-consciousness. Common signs and symptoms include neck, back, and shoulder pain, bra strap discomfort and indentations, skin irritation or rashes underneath the breast, breast pain, and difficulty with sports and other activities. Oversized breasts may also draw unwanted attention. Other undesirable findings may be enlarged areolae, stretch marks, and pendulous low hanging breasts.

Before and After Awake Breast Reduction ℠
Before and After Awake Breast Reduction ℠
Before and after awake breast reduction ℠
Before and after awake breast reduction ℠

The Awake Breast Reduction ℠ combines the lifting elements of the Awake Breast Lift ® with the precise removal of excess breast tissue. The procedure will raise, tighten, and reshape the breasts all while reducing the size. Unlike the square-shaped breast reduction results that are commonly encountered with other surgical techniques, the Awake Breast Reduction ℠ has a natural round appearance. This beautifully shaped breast is achieved by meticulous and precise measurements, a balanced skin pattern design, and reconstructive engineering utilizing the superior pedicle. It is first accomplished through carefully placed incisions on the breast. The incisions are around the areola, straight down toward the fold of the breast, and for a modified distance under the fold. If the areola, the darker area around the nipple, has become enlarged, then it will be reduced to a smaller more balanced size at the same time. The incision under the breast fold is kept as short as possible.

Before and after awake breast reduction

The excess breast tissue is removed from below, the remaining natural breast tissue is repositioned upwards on the chest and sutured to the underlying muscle fascia behind the new elevated nipple position. The breast is closed in layers and with minimal tension. The final scar is shaped like a small anchor or inverted T and is also called a Wise pattern. This is a specialized 3D tailoring of the breasts.

During the Awake Breast Reduction ℠, expect minimal to no discomfort. In fact, the only time you feel any sort of pinch is during the initial numbing. This is a very tolerable experience for the patient and they usually say that it was “a lot easier” than imagined. The procedure time is approximately four hours but you will spend most of the day in the office. All sutures are internal and dissolvable; therefore, no sutures are removed afterwards. The results are instant and tears of joy are frequently displayed by the patient when they see the immediate outcome. Sterile dressings are applied and a custom support bra is worn immediately afterwards.

The recovery after an Awake Breast Reduction ℠ is typically easy and most patients return to work in less than a week. Oral pain medication is prescribed and most patients only take it for a few days to minimize the discomfort. Patients return to our office the day after the procedure for a check-up. During the first couple weeks of recovery, we recommend hyperbaric oxygen therapy to maximize the healing. The doctor will keep in touch with you via phone/text very frequently during the early stages of healing. The first shower is two days after the surgery. Subsequent office visits are at one week, one month, and three months after the procedure. Although we prefer in-person visits, virtual follow-ups are an option after the first week of healing. We discourage heavy weight lifting or strenuous exercise for 2-4 weeks. 

Before and after awake breast reduction

We encourage patients to protect their breasts by sleeping on their back and avoiding any chest trauma. We ask that patients stay in town for two weeks. The incisions are covered with healing medical tape for the first few weeks and then treated with specialized silicone scar gel over the next few months.

Although the outcome will evolve over months, the results of the Awake Breast Reduction ℠ are immediate. The effect is a firmer, more youthful breast appearance that will leave you feeling lighter and lifted.

Schedule your consultation today by calling the office now at 310-887-999 or submitting your contact information through the website.

We look forward to meeting you.

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