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What is Kybella®?

Do you have undesirable fat underneath your chin, but feel that surgical intervention isn’t the right option for you? KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called, “double chin.”

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Deoxycholic acid is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When KYBELLA® is injected into fatty areas, it causes the permanent destruction of fat cells. This leaves you with a slimmer, more defined appearance, for permanent fat loss without surgery or anesthesia!

What to expect from Kybella®?

For best results, KYBELLA treatments are typically repeated in a series of multiple sessions. The amount of sessions needed will vary from patient to patient, and depend on your aesthetic goals. Together at your consultation, we will determine how many treatments you need to achieve your goal. Once the desired aesthetic response is achieved, re-treatment is not expected!

What to expect during your treatment?

The procedure itself takes about 15-30 minutes. A template is applied to the skin as a guide, and up to 2 vials of KYBELLA are administered via multiple injections. Some discomfort is to be expected, but we utilize pain reduction techniques such as topical numbing cream and mixing the Kybella with local anesthetic to ensure a more comfortable experience. After your procedure, you may experience swelling in the treated area. While we recommend that you avoid certain activities for the first few days after your procedure, there is no downtime.

Give our office a call today to set up a consultation and learn if this non-invasive approach may be just right for you 310-887-9999

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