Male Breast Correction | Gynecomastia Surgery

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The unfortunate presence of enlarged male breasts can be very bothersome and have a significant impact on one’s self-confidence. It may be associated with the avoidance of certain physical activities that involve tight shirts and especially going shirtless.

Unaffectionately known as man boobs, they are due to excessive growth of fibrous fatty glandular tissue. This medical condition is called gynecomastia and effects a large percentage of males at some point in their life. It is the most common male breast disorder and can occur during puberty or any time along one’s lifespan.

The development of male breast tissue can be secondary to hormones, medications, obesity, aging, and genetics. The vast majority of enlarged male breasts are strictly a cosmetic issue and are not due to any serious medical condition. Once male breast tissue develops, it typically does not resolve without some help. It is most commonly found on both sides of the chest and it is not unusual to have one side bigger, or more full, than the other side.

Thankfully, there is an answer to the problem and that is our minimally invasive awake liposuction procedure called PRECISION SCULPT ®. This is performed in the comforts of our office under local anesthesia with the option of oral sedation. The complete removal of unwanted male breast tissue takes about one to two hours to complete. The results are permanent and include a firmer, flatter, and more contoured chest.

For more details, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Clink the link below to view more before and after photos. 

Before & After Photos

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