Before & After Gallery

Chin, Neck, & Jawline

Individual results may vary.

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | Buccal Fat Removal | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8705

Before and three months after undergoing buccal fat removal combined with our highly specialized laser and radiofrequency assisted awake liposculpting PRECISION SCULPT® procedure to slim the face and neck. This procedure helps “snatch” in the chubby cheeks and get rid of the double chin.

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | Buccal Fat Removal | PRECISION SCULPT®

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8636

We love her. She’s super cool, chill, confident, smart, easy to talk to, has great hair, and is SNATCHED! We’re so happy for her after undergoing chin, neck, and jawline PRECISION SCULPT® liposculpting.

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT®

Awake | Buccal Fat Removal | Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT® | Neurotoxin Masseters

Case ID: 8571

This is a young gentleman who came to us seeking better skin and a slimmer more sculpted mid and lower face as well as chin, neck, and jawline. Under local anesthesia and oral sedation pills we removed his buccal fat pads, sculpted away excess fat from the chin, neck, and

Awake | Buccal Fat Removal | Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT® | Neurotoxin Masseters

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT® | Neck Lift | Male

Case ID: 6370

We’re so happy he stopped by this week to show off his awesome results. 5 months ago we performed Awake PRECISION SCULPT®️ Chin, Neck, & Jawline as well as subplatysmal fat excision and platysmaplasty. This is essentially a neck lift with a 3 cm incision under the chin and two

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | PRECISION SCULPT® | Neck Lift | Male

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