Mini Tummy Tuck
Case ID: 7060
Case ID: 7061
Female mother who wanted to avoid general anesthesia but also significantly improve her abdomen, waist, flanks, hips, and back. She was aware that she was a candidate for a full tummy tuck / abdominoplasty but she did not want to pursue that option due to the recovery and general anesthesia
Awake Mini Tummy Tuck | PRECISION SCULPT®Case ID: 7062
35 year old mother who was unhappy with her tummy tuck scar and retained fat in the abdomen and hips. She underwent an awake mini tuck full scar revision and Precision Sculpt®️. She is shown before and 1 month after.
Mini Tummy TuckCase ID: 7063
Before and 2 months after Awake Mini Tuck Panniculectomy. Massive amount of extra skin removed in the office.
Mini Tummy TuckCase ID: 7064
This is a lovely ❤️ 50+ year old mother with 2 c-sections and a previous open appendectomy (scar in HER right lower quadrant). She exercised regularly but couldn’t get any of the changes she wished for. She didn’t want a tummy tuck and didn’t want general anesthesia. So we used
Mini Tummy TuckCase ID: 7065
We love happy patient selfies. 8 months ago she had her PRECISION SCULPT®️ Lipo 360, inner thighs, mini tuck, AWAKE BUTT LIFT®️. Look at her now!! #idealfaceandbody #precisionsculpt #awakebuttlift #lipo360 #minituck #bestlipo #awakelipo #thighlipo #lipo #plasticsurgery #beforeandafter
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Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm