Before & After Gallery

Breast Procedures

Individual results may vary.

Awake Breast Fat Transfer | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8463

Out of town asian female who underwent awake liposculpting of her arms, buffalo hump, back, waist, hips, flanks, stomach and fat transfer to her breasts one year ago. She sent us these photos of her lovely results. She is definitely protecting her investment.

Awake Breast Fat Transfer | PRECISION SCULPT®

Awake Breast Fat Transfer | RAISE YOUR CUP®

Case ID: 8408

Professional female who obtained a natural breast enhancement using her own fat. No implants placed. This procedure is performed awake in the office with oral medications for relaxation and complete local anesthesia. The donor fat was obtained from her 360 abdomen using our specialized liposculpting technique PRECISION SCULPT®.

Awake Breast Fat Transfer | RAISE YOUR CUP®

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