Before & After Gallery

Precision Sculpt® Awake Liposuction

Individual results may vary.

BBL Reduction | Correction | Reversal | Awake Surgery

Case ID: 9186

This is a 50 year old female who underwent multiple rounds of fat transfer to the buttocks over a four-year period. She came to us with desires to reduce the size of her buttocks, hips, and thighs. She did not desire to totally reverse the BBL. We performed awake liposuction

BBL Reduction | Correction | Reversal | Awake Surgery

BBL Reduction | Correction | Awake Surgery

Case ID: 9172

This is a lovely 40+ year old female who underwent two BBL surgeries. The surgeries were performed over five years ago. About 1000 milliliters was transferred to the buttocks and hips during the two surgeries. Eventually she felt that her buttocks looked too bubbly in the bottom half. She did

BBL Reduction | Correction | Awake Surgery

BBL Reduction | Buttock Fat Transfer Reduction | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8874

This patient had a history of fat transfer to the buttocks and the surrounding hips. The BBL surgery was performed two times over the last few years by different surgeons. The first BBL surgery result was moderately satisfying. The second round of fat transfer resulted in excessive enhancement of the

BBL Reduction | Buttock Fat Transfer Reduction | PRECISION SCULPT®

Awake 360 Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8783

This is a mother of multiple children who came to us with a history of a mini tummy tuck years ago with another surgeon but now wanting to get rid of the stubborn fat around her stomach, waist, flanks, hips, love handles, and back. She also wanted her buffalo

Awake 360 Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT®

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | Buccal Fat Removal | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 8705

Before and three months after undergoing buccal fat removal combined with our highly specialized laser and radiofrequency assisted awake liposculpting PRECISION SCULPT® procedure to slim the face and neck. This procedure helps “snatch” in the chubby cheeks and get rid of the double chin.

Awake Chin, Neck, & Jawline Liposculpting | Buccal Fat Removal | PRECISION SCULPT®

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