Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT®

Case ID: 6364

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline laser liposculpting in a patient who previously underwent coolsculpting of the neck and developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia also known as PAH.

View Angle: left-front-oblique
Before Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - left-front-oblique


After Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - left-front-oblique


Description: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline laser liposculpting in a patient who previously underwent coolsculpting of the neck and developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia also known as PAH.

View Angle: left-side
Before Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - left-side


After Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - left-side


Description: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline laser liposculpting in a patient who previously underwent coolsculpting of the neck and developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia also known as PAH.

View Angle: right-side
Before Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - right-side


After Image: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline Liposuction | PRECISION SCULPT® - right-side


Description: Awake Chin, Neck, Jawline laser liposculpting in a patient who previously underwent coolsculpting of the neck and developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia also known as PAH.

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