Case Details
In select patients, a breast reduction can be performed utilizing a liposuction-only approach. Candidates for this procedure typically have large soft breasts that are not too droopy or saggy. These patients are aware that although fatty breast tissue will be removed via PRECISION SCULPT ® microcannulas, no skin will be removed and therefore the outcome is a deflation rather than a reshaping as seen in a formal Awake Breast Reduction ™. The benefits of a liposuction-only approach to reducing the breasts is that there are essentially no scars and that the recovery is very easy. The downside is the deflated appearance and lack of reshaping. In this patient, 300 cc of fat was removed from each breast. The bra rolls were also decreased using awake liposuction.
Description: Before and three months after liposuction-only breast reduction.
Description: Before and three months after liposuction-only breast reduction.
Description: Before and three months after liposuction-only breast reduction.