BBL Reduction | Correction | Reversal

Before and after bbl fat transfer to the buttocks reduction

Is a BBL reduction an option for you?

Are you unhappy with the results of your BBL? Is your butt too big? Did you initially like the result but now have different desires? Did you get the results you asked for but now feel that it is out of proportion? Do you want to soften the exaggerated appearance of your buttocks and hips? Is your BBL outcome too large because you have gained weight? If you answered yes to any of these questions then a BBL revision is an option for you.

What is a BBL reduction?

A Brazilian Butt Lift reduction is a gluteoplasty that aims to reduce the size and improve the shape of a previous fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. The excess fat is removed by power-assisted liposuction. The surgery is also referred to as a reduction, correction, or reversal.

What is a BBL?

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a fat transfer to the buttocks and sometimes hips. Fat is first removed with liposuction from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, waist, back, arms, hips, and thighs. The fat is then transferred to the buttocks to create more profile projection, fill in the hip dips, increase width from the front and back, and an overall increase in size.

Is my BBL too big?

If the surgical approach was excessive, then the results will be exaggerated. An exaggerated outcome may be that the buttocks are too big, the hips are too wide, and the projection is excessive. A “shelf” effect at the lower back buttock junction may exist. This cartoon-like appearance can lead to unwanted attention. The public preoccupation with their buttocks and hips is psychologically uncomfortable. Their features are not natural, and the work is obvious.

This trend is diminishing and although curves are still attractive, a more athletic build is now in favor.

This is a photo comparison of before and after BBL reduction reversal in a patient wearing butt lifter skinny jeans.
Before and After BBL Reduction Reversal

When can you have a BBL reduction?

Patients may seek reduction of the buttocks within months or years after the BBL. It is best to wait for full healing from the BBL before embarking on a revision. We suggest a minimum of three months after the BBL.

What can I do if my butt is too big?

There is a safe answer to this situation, and it does not require general anesthesia or even a lengthy recovery. The procedure involves the precise removal of fat from the buttocks and surrounding areas such as the hips. Our advanced liposuction process is called PRECISION SCULPT. Using this technique, the buttocks are reshaped and contoured to create a more natural, proportionate, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How long is the BBL correction surgery?

The surgery is completed in about two to three hours, but the entire process may last most of the day. The visit includes a review of the medical history and a physical examination. A thorough discussion is had with the patient regarding their desires and goals. Photos are taken and extensive markings are made on the patient. Using a mirror, the entire plan is reviewed with the patient. Oral medication is then given for relaxation and pain management. The procedure is then performed using complete local anesthesia.

This is a photo comparison of before and after BBL reduction reversal.
Before and After BBL Reduction Reversal

Where are the incisions for BBL correction?

Tiny hidden incisions are made in the creases of the buttocks. The superior gluteal cleft incision is located in the midline crease between the buttocks. This incision gives access to the right and left buttock.  The lower incisions are placed in the lateral aspect of the inferior gluteal folds. These incisions are hidden within the underbutt crease. They are used to approach the buttocks and hips. Additional incisions may be placed over the outer hip to address excess fullness in thighs. Previous scars are often found in these locations and therefore used to remove the excess fat.

Can I sit after BBL reversal surgery?

Yes, you can sit after BBL reversal surgery. In fact, there are no limitations on post operative positions. We encourage you to initially lay on your back to help manage overall swelling.

How do I prepare for my BBL reversal consultation?

There are few things to bring to the consultation: operative report, before photos, and a clear idea of your goals.

It is helpful to know how much fat was transferred to either or both the buttocks and hips. The specific operative information can be obtained from your original surgeon. The operative report typically has a detailed description of the amount of fat placed into your body.

Bring any before photos to the consultation. The best photos are usually taken by the surgeon. If you do not have the official preoperative photos, then request them from your surgeon. Personal photos are also great to review. Any before photos are better than no photos.

Come to the consultation with a clear idea of your goals and desires. Do you want an overall reduction in size? Do you want to totally reverse the BBL and return to your original appearance? Are there specific areas that you want reduced? Are you happy with the front view but not the side or oblique view?

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