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What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift?

Pregnancy, aging, and significant weight loss can cause breasts to lose their firmness and natural contour. Are you considering a breast lift to reverse these unwanted changes? There are plenty of benefits that any woman can experience after this surgical procedure. Our team at Ideal Face & Body in Beverly Hills, CA would be happy to let you know about the long-lasting advantages that this procedure can bring into your life.

What Benefits Can You Expect From a Breast Lift?

You’ll notice improved breast appearance and shape, which can be sustained in the next 10 years or more. Many of the people that we’ve worked with are happy about their results and rarely need a follow-up or additional procedure. If you think that a more youthful, healthy-looking body can make you feel much better about yourself, then this procedure must be right for you.

Eliminate Excess Skin

Saggy breasts with excess skin are often caused by aging, smoking, weight loss, or multiple pregnancies. There is no defined age for when you’ll notice this physical change since it can depend on a woman’s anatomy and genetics. Some women have breasts that remain firm and do not sag until they reach very old age.

The goal of a breast lift is to remove the excess skin that causes your breasts to lack its firmness and natural shape. It can also give you the appearance of reduced breast size. Some women manage to wear a smaller bra cup size after the procedure. However, there isn’t a true reduction in breast size since we do not remove any tissue, but removing the excess skin can change the breasts’ profile and shape.

Tighten Breast Tissues

Many women commit to workouts that promise a fuller, “uplifted” breasts, but only surgery can permanently address this issue. Since breasts do not have muscle, you can’t improve the firmness of breast tissue through exercise alone. Sometimes, women can observe better posture and use shapewear to create the appearance of tighter, firmer breasts. However, this only creates an illusion, not a permanent solution.

Undergoing cosmetic surgery is the only way you can permanently tighten your breast tissues and completely reshape them. The result is that you get a pair of fuller, perkier pair of breasts with improved appearance.

Create a Youthful Breast Contour

The normal breast is shaped like a pear. Many women who haven’t gained too much weight or undergone pregnancy have a tail of breast tissue that gracefully extends under the arm. Most women prefer a natural contour with slightly more fullness below the nipple.

Would you like to restore the shape and contour of your breasts after multiple pregnancies? Then this procedure can give you the benefits you expect. A breast lift eliminates excess, stretched out skin, and reshapes the breast tissues. This is done through the precise execution and planning of your cosmetic surgeon.

Make Breasts Appear Fuller

Shapewear, designer bras, and even makeup can mimic the appearance of full, perky breasts. However, none of these are permanent solutions when it comes to making the breasts appear fuller. Home exercises and certain workouts cannot also guarantee an improvement in the fullness of your breasts. With age, you’ll also experience a drop in the hormones which caused your breasts to grow and mature in the first place.

One of the best benefits of a breast lift is the appearance of a fuller, more shapely pair of breasts without the need for implants. Keep note that we do not increase your breast size, but the way we trim and tighten your breast skin can create a much fuller appearance. After the surgery, you can enjoy fuller-looking breasts with just the right volume. No need for shapewear and other temporary solutions that can make you feel uncomfortable or restricted.

Reduce the Size of Areolas

Women’s areolas can come in different colors and sizes. The cause can be hereditary, meaning some women can have naturally bigger or smaller areolas. However, due to pregnancy and nursing, some women observe a permanent enlargement of their areolas, which can make them feel anxious about unwanted changes in their bodies.

The role of darker areolas is to guide infants when nursing, but this unexpected change can remain even after you’ve finished breastfeeding. Sometimes, a woman just wants to “get her body back” and reduce the size of areolas that have been enlarged after pregnancy. You may opt for an areola reduction surgery or have it performed together with a breast lift.

Restore the Natural Position of Your Nipples

The nipples can be found at the very center of the breasts. However, due to sagging, the nipples tend to “point downwards” and lose their ideal position. By eliminating the excess skin that causes the sagging of the breasts, your cosmetic surgeon can raise the position of your nipples and return them to their ideal position. The result is a more ideal, forward positioning.

However, if you don’t wish to alter the current position of your nipples, you can still have the surgery with the objective of tightening your breast tissues and eliminating excess skin. Your preferences and expectations for the procedure will be discussed during your consultation.

Have More Flexible Clothing Options

Clothing options for women who do not have average breasts can be restrictive and uncomfortable. Underwire bras, which can be uncomfortable, are often used by women who need support to lift their breasts and compensate for the lack of firmness. Going braless, wearing backless clothing, or choosing other types of shapewear is not an option for many. Would you like to be able to wear more comfortable and stylish clothes without giving away the appearance of saggy breasts? Then you will benefit from a breast lift.

A majority of bathing suits and swimwear are designed for women with average breasts. String bikinis, for example, cannot provide enough support for sagging breasts. Even young women who lack firmness in their breast tissues have to resort to wearing swimwear that doesn’t compliment them. This causes them to miss out on flattering outfits that make them feel their best.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

Without enough firmness in your breast tissues, it can be difficult for you to engage in physical activities. You might be thinking about going to the gym, but you find sports bras to be problematic when it comes to providing enough breast support. Some women also find that they don’t get enough coverage when wearing a sports bra.

By undergoing surgery that permanently and effectively uplifts your breasts, you can avoid unflattering and uncomfortable feelings. You can run on the treadmill or jog down the streets with confidence and vigor.

Are You an Ideal candidate?

Breast lifts are highly individualized cosmetic procedures. It’s important that you are doing it for yourself and not for anybody else. The best candidates for this procedure have realistic expectations and goals in mind and are not choosing the procedure to fulfill somebody else’s wishes. Most importantly, you should be doing it because you know the results will turn you into a happier, more fulfilled person.

You Are Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding

You may undergo the procedure anytime that you are not pregnant or breastfeeding. However, it doesn’t mean that becoming pregnant again after your surgery will ruin the results of the procedure. We generally advise that you wait for 3-6 months before trying to become pregnant again.

Also, there is no conflict between breastfeeding and your surgical procedure. If you choose to nurse after having your breasts done in the past, you can do so without any issues. It is not true that the surgery will have any effect on your milk supply or the function of your breasts.

You Have Heavier Breasts

Do you have naturally full, heavy breasts? Some women find that their larger breasts tend to sag earlier on in their life, even before pregnancy or weight loss. If you are not considering a breast reduction, but want more shapely breasts with improved contour, then you can be a good candidate for the procedure.

Keep in mind that this procedure does not exactly change the volume or true size of your breasts. If you wish to reduce their volume or make them less heavy, a breast lift with reduction will be a good option for you. The primary goal of this procedure is to remove excess skin and make the breast tissues firmer.

You Are in Good Physical and Mental Health

Part of your initial consultation will be an assessment of the current state of your physical health. We will take a look at your medical records and make sure you are fit enough for the procedure. If you have health conditions that could increase the risk of infection, bleeding, or delayed healing, you may be advised to try a less invasive procedure or treatment.

Another important attribute is your mental health. We’ll need you to have a positive mindset and completely understand what the procedure can and cannot do for you. You must understand that surgery is a major life decision, and you must have the right objectives to responsibly opt for it.

You Are a Non-Smoker or You Can Stop Smoking

If you’re planning to undergo surgery, you must have a strong immune system and refrain from smoking a few weeks before your appointment. Like other surgeries, this procedure will require you to heal and recover for a certain amount of time. Being an active smoker makes the healing process slower and even makes you prone to infections and other health issues.

General anesthesia is commonly used. If you continue to smoke, you may experience nausea and vomiting or decrease the effects of the anesthesia. For this reason, many cosmetic surgeons choose not to accept patients who are active smokers. They should at least be able to quit smoking a few weeks before the surgery.

You Have Realistic Expectations

During your consultation, we’ll make sure that your expectations are fully set. It’s important for us that you fully understand what will happen during the procedure. This is the key to ensuring your satisfaction and happiness about the procedure. When it comes to setting your expectations about your transformation, we do our best to help you visualize. Using imaging techniques, we try to show you how exactly this procedure will change and improve your appearance.

Restore Your Natural Shape and Feel Great Again

Our bodies are ever-changing, sometimes in ways that we don’t expect or want. These changes can cause us to feel unhappy or dissatisfied with our appearances. Would you like to restore your natural shape and feel your best again? Schedule a consultation at Ideal Face & Body in Beverly Hills, CA today, and let’s find ways to bring you closer to your aesthetic goals!

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