tone up your arms with arm liposculpture 629795ce21140

Tone Up Your Arms with Arm Liposculpture

In today’s cosmetically oriented world, toned up and slender arms are the primary focus of many women seeking to have the perfect physique. Thanks to weight gain and the aging process, fats that accumulate in the upper arms can be quite stubborn to burn with exercise and dieting. Knowing this, most women turn to arm liposculpture to get rid of this unwanted fat. With our integrative and caring approach, the team at Ideal Face & Body can give your arms the appearance you have been looking for while keeping your entire body proportionate.

Why Opt for Arm Liposculpture?

A person may seek this cosmetic procedure for one or more of the following reasons:

• To get skinnier and toned arms
• To tighten the back of the arms
• To eliminate the fat on the arms
• To boost self-esteem

How Arm Liposculpture is Performed

Arm liposculpture is performed using a small device known as a cannula. This is the tool that is used to remove the excess fat. The device breaks up the fat cells that are then removed from the body via specialized processes. All of this is done while leaving your skin, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles intact. Sometimes, our surgeon may also utilize other techniques to provide excellent results.

What You Need to Know 

Recovery and results vary from patient to patient. However, most people are able to resume work relatively quickly and can enjoy their results for a long time. It’s important to keep in mind that this procedure only removes excess fat. It neither tightens nor eliminates loose or hanging skin. In some patients, the skin may utilize its natural properties to tighten on its own. However, if your skin requires tightening, then we may recommend an additional procedure to tighten the loose skin.

Arm liposculpture could be the solution you’ve been looking for to attain those slim, toned arms that you desire. Speak with the expert team at Ideal Face & Body in Beverly Hills to see if you are a candidate for this cosmetic treatment. Contact our office today and schedule your consultation!

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